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Boone Hall Plantation & Gardens - Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina

The Best South Carolina Grass Seed

South Carolina homeownership is growing rapidly, with the 11th highest homeownership rate in the United States. This means that more and more people are buying homes in South Carolina. If you plan on purchasing a home, then there's one investment that will be more important than any other: grass seed for your yard!

Having high-quality grass seed is essential to adding value and maintaining the health of your lawn. Without it, you'll quickly find yourself with dead patches or bare spots where sod or grass seed should be.

Let's cover the basics that all South Carolina homeowners should know before buying grass seed so you can get the most out of your investment.


Soil Conditions in South Carolina

South Carolina's subtropical climate and diverse topography offer a range of soil conditions for plants, from deep sand in coastal areas to hillsides where clover grows best. 

There are several types of common grasses available that will thrive depending on your needs. Some can be grown all over the state, while others have specific geographical preferences.

While not all soils in this region are poorly drained, few well-drained ones occur. Along sandy slopes and ridges, there is a tendency for slightly coarse clayey or sandy subsoils to be present. Soil pH levels tend to run on the acidic side at just under six units.


General soil map of South Carolina

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A study of the soil conditions in which most turfgrass species grow has found that they can tolerate a wide range of pH values, with some exceptions. 

Soil types appropriate for the southern U.S., such as sand and clay-based soils, are common across much land there. At the same time, muck-type terrain is more typical to areas northward like New England or Ohio Valley, where farmers often use fertilizers on top of their already fertile soils.


When to Plant Grass Seed in South Carolina

South Carolina has both warm and cold seasons, but fall is the ideal time to plant the best lawn grass seeds. The cool temperatures and reduced sunlight allow seeds to germinate and take root before moving into the heat of summer. While there are native grasses that will grow year-round, most can only handle certain seasons well.

South Carolina homeowners who love to keep their lawn green should consider sowing ryegrass in the fall. This annual grass becomes more resilient and durable than many warm-season varieties, so you'll be able to enjoy its beauty all year round!

Numerous studies conducted at Clemson University Extension show that when overseeded with perennial or an annual type of this plant during autumn 30 days before frost date (depending on weather), it will provide significant benefits such as increasing resilience against pests like cutworm moth caterpillars. It also improves water use efficiency because it can better withstand periods of drought.


Best Grass Seed to Grow in South Carolina


Cool Season Grasses


Tall Fescue

Tall Fescue is a cool-season grass that can be grown all over the state of South Carolina. It's an excellent all-purpose grass that grows well in acidic or alkaline soils and is easy to maintain with regular mowing.

For turfgrass, tall fescue may not be the finest-textured grass on the market, but it's still considered a "barefoot" grass. Many of the newest varieties come close to matching bluegrass in texture.


Kentucky Bluegrass

This cool-season grass is a bit pickier, preferring climates with moist soil and cool to moderate summers. While it does require regular maintenance, this variety thrives in full sunlight and can handle a range of pH levels — from acidic soils to alkaline ones.

For homeowners looking to use their lawn all year round, this lawn give you the best of both worlds. It will grow in winter but may go dormant in the heat of summer.


Fine Fescue

Seeding fine fescue can be tricky if you live in a climate where summer temperatures reach the 90s. This grass seed graciously accepts shade and cold but doesn't like it too wet or hot.


Perennial & Annual Ryegrasses

These grasses can be grown in any region of South Carolina, although they grow best when planted during the fall or early spring. Both types tolerate a range of pH levels and flourish under cold temperature conditions.

Both perennial ryegrass and annual ryegrass are most commonly used by homeowners who want a quick cover or for overseeding dormant warm-season lawns in the winter.


Warm Season Grasses


Bermuda Grass

This grass seed is a perfect choice for areas with hot, humid summers. It requires full sun and tolerates moderate drought conditions well, but it doesn't do so well in very wet or acidic soils.


Zoysia Grass

A popular choice in the southern United States, this warm-season type of grass thrives with lots of sunlight and well-draining soil. It is typically low-maintenance and does not require much watering or fertilizing. Mowing Zoysia grass is a little more challenging as it grows thick and dense, but this is what gives it its durability.



While it is a warm-weather grass, it is native to semiarid regions in the Great Plains and doesn't do very well in humid conditions. Buffalograss needs lots of sunlight and is very easy to maintain with regular mowing.


Centipede Grass

Many homeowners choose centipedegrass as it is the only grass seed that can stay green through an extreme drought. It grows well in areas with full sun (although too much exposure can cause brown patches) and tolerates heavy foot traffic, flooding, and moist conditions.


St. Augustine Grass

This warm-season grass is native to Florida and can handle a wide range of soil conditions, making it one of the most versatile types of grass seed.

It grows well in South Carolina if you use special fertilizer or lime to regulate its pH level and keep it from growing too fast.


Best Grass Seed Blends for South Carolina Lawns

When it comes to growing a quality lawn, the southern climate is not very hospitable. When mixed, southern grasses do not produce good results, and they spread by stolons (or creeping roots). Other varieties will tend to segregate into distinct patches of each array because these native species rarely hybridize effectively.


For Shady Lawns

Fescue is one of the most famous lawns in America because it's drought and heat tolerant. Fine fescues include red feather-and Chewings varieties, while tall ones are hard or blue based on their coloration patterns.

Fescues have an upright appearance with reddish-brown tips that range from light green at maturity to dark green color or even brown when dry depending upon the type. However, they all share similar properties, making them perfect for growing under shady conditions where water is abundant.


For Coastal Areas

Bahiagrass is the perfect lawn for sandy soil! It can grow in shade or sun, and it's hardy enough to survive even near our Southern coast. Bahiagrass is one of the best warm-season grasses around, but it can't handle shade or wet conditions for extended periods.



South Carolina is a tough place to grow a lawn, but it certainly doesn't have to be an impossible task. Understanding which grasses are best suited for your region will give you the edge you need to produce a healthy, thriving lawn that brings joy and beauty into your life - no matter how harsh your climate is.

With so many types to choose from, it can be challenging to determine which one will work best at any given time or place! Luckily our Seed Selector Tool™ makes this process quick and easy. 

You can search for seeds based on your location, what type of seed you want (warm-season or cool), and the growing conditions in your area. You can even search for specific grass types or blends and you can find the right grass and grow your perfect lawn using Nature’s Seed.

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